Thursday, 21 May 2009

Words of Wisdom...

Some words of wisdoms and benefit for the one going through Trials, Tribulations and Adversaries:

“Do not look at the test itself but look at One Who the test is from…”

“Be like a tall tree with a purpose, if a stone is thrown at it, it simply lets its fruits drop…”

“There is your Rabb Who provided you with solutions to yesterday, and He (SWT) will similarly provide for what is to come tomorrow…”

“What can my enemies do to me! My gardens and paradise are in my heart; wherever I go they are with me. If my enemies kill me, I become a shaheed and if they exile me from my land, I am given the privilege to tour the Earth and the creation of Allah (SWT). If they imprison me, they assist me to fulfil the greatest purpose of my creation, and they honour me by leaving me alone to worship Allah (SWT)…”

“Be among those who, when blessed, give thanks; when tried, persevere; and when sinful, seek forgiveness…”

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Is it a Trial or Punishment?

Many people ask these questions: 'What's the difference between a trial and punishment?' 'Am I being tried or punished?' There are differences between the two cases. So, When is it a trial? When is it a punishment? How does one know? Ustad Abu Hasan said:

It is a Trial - when you are doing your utmost responsibilities with the best of quality. Doing your waajibaat, sunnan, mustahabaat, doing your best with your mother, your kids, [etc] – then, it is a trial. When you are fulfilling you fundamentals, your obligations, fulfilling the rights of Allah (SWT) and the creation, and you do not see [yourself] doing any wrong – then, it is trial.

It is a Punishment - when the person is committing sins. When this trial [as punishment for him] comes, the person either begins to:

a) Commit more sins.
b) Begins to slack on the fundamentals, in the obedience [of] the fundamentals, waajibaat and sunnan.

If Allah (SWT) has mercy on the person, then He (SWT) will punish him with the trial, but – that punishment will bring him close to Allah (SWT) i.e. the sinning person is punished with jinn or an evil person, [then] the person asks Allah (SWT) to help him. This is the majority of the believers. Allah (SWT) trials a person who commits sin with punishment, then the punishment becomes a source [for the person to get close to Allah (SWT)].

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Very Interesting Conference!


Abu Zubair - Abu Talhah - Faisal Hanjra

Abu Talhah - Principles of Modernism

Faisal Hanjra - Modernists and the Global Ummah

Abu Zubair - Callers to Modernism

In our conference this month we will be looking at the Modernist movement. This movement is not a new one by any means but it is one that is that is in the limelight today as the war against the sunnah continues.
In this conference Lewisham Islamic centre we will be focusing on three key issues surrounding modernism. First the principles of modernism - we need to be clear on exactly what principles the modernists hold to. We will also look at the modernists and their concept on the global ummah i.e. their beliefs and ideas concerning khliafah, one ummah, identity etc. Finally we will be looking at the callers to modernism past and present as it is important to know who began this movement and who is pushing for this movement today insha'Allah.

Please pass on this information to other brothers, sisters, websites, forums etc.
Barakallah Fikum

Lewisham Islamic Centre, 363-365 Lewisham High Street, London SE13 6NZ

Tel: 0208 690 5090

DATE AND TIME: 31st May 2009 - 5:45pm

This conference is part of The Deviant Groups Series at Lewisham Islamic Centre: Allah sent down this blessed message to the Prophet Muhammad , he conveyed the message to his family. He then conveyed this message to the people of Quraish, then the tribes of arabia. After his death his noble companions took on this heavy burden of conveying the message and Islam spread all over the world. The Messenger of Allah told us that his ummah will divide into 70 plus groups, all of them being in the fire except one, that one being those who stick to the Qur'an and Sunnah. This month at Lewisham Islamic Centre we will be focusing on groups that went astray from the sunnah, some even leaving the fold of Islam. This month at Lewisham Islamic Centre we will be focusing on the Ahmadiyyah, the Shia, the Nation of Islam, the Sufis and the neo-Salafis.