Monday, 2 November 2009

What comes after Seeking Knowledge?

Implementation and action:

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "The two feet of the son of Adam will not move from near his Lord on the day of Judgement until he is asked about five (matters) about his life - how he spent it; about his youth - how he took care of it; about his wealth - how he earned it; and where he spent it and about that which he acted upon from the knowledge he acquired."

(at Tirmidhi)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Verily Allah says: O son of Adam, free yourself for my worship, I will (in turn) fill your chest with satisfaction and remove your poverty, and if you don't I will fill your hands with distraction and will not remove your poverty." In another narration, "I will fill your chest with distraction."

(Ahmad, at Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban and others)

And we should hasten in the implementation:

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "There is hesitation in everything except in the actions of the Hereafter."

(Abu Dawud)

And do the actions with perfection and this is achieved by leaving that which don't concern him:

The Prophet (pbuh) "From a man's perfecting his religion is his leaving alone that which does not concern him".

(Ahmad in his Musnad, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and others)

In Fayd ul Qadeer, the author [al Manaawee] writes in explaining this hadith: “It is understood from this that from a man's deficiency in his religion is his indulging in that which does not concern him. This includes everything of secondary importance, whichever form it may take. What should concern him is all that relates to the essentials of his livelihood, that which fulfills his need for sustenance, clothing, keeping himself chaste thereby, and the like thereof from the necessities of life, excluding those things relating to his own personal pleasures. He should be concerned with all that relates to his salvation in the Hereafter, that being Islaam, imaan, and ihsaan. In this way he stays safe from ruin, all forms of evil and from argumentation. This is part of perfecting his religion, firm establishment of his piety and keeping away from following his desires. Whereas striving to accomplish other than this is loss of irreplaceable valuable time, in doing what he was not created for. So whoever worships his Lord, with realization of his closeness to his Lord, and of his Lord's closeness to him, has perfected his religion, as has proceeded".

With this brief post, I would like to say, Jazakumullah Khair, may Allah reward you all for visiting this blog. As from now on I will be not able to put up posts as regularly as I would like to do so due to some commitments. Until next time, I will end with the greetings of Jannah, may Allah (SWT) make us from amongst them! Ameen!

Assalamu’ alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Your brother Abu Siyaam.