- Manhaj as-Salikeen
This is a concise book in fiqh; it deals with the most important matters in fiqh. It is a good book to start with for a student of knowledge who will be introduced to the subject for the first time; it does not go into much detail or into the difference of opinions. It is written in such a way that understanding of it is easy for beginners.
It was written by the great Sheikh ‘Abdul Rahmaan bin Nasir as-Sa’adi (d. 1376). He was prominent jurist, exegete, and grammarian with a great interest in poetry. He was extremely intelligent and had memorized the Qur’an by the age of eleven after which he devoted himself to studying under the scholars of his land, by the age of twenty-three he was already teaching. He devoted himself entirely to learning and teaching until he became the leading religious authority in the land, with students of knowledge flocking to him from all regions. The author was an expert in fiqh and usul-ul-fiqh, initially he was Hanbali in madhab, and then he progressed in his studies by studying the works of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn al-Qayyum and no longer restricted himself to the
Friday’s 6pm
Ustad Abdul-Aleem Alomgir Ali [
- Umdat ul-Fiqh
This is a basic manual of fiqh for beginners also. It covers the basic rulings that every Hanbali needs. The book gave only the predominant opinion for each position of the Hanbali madhab.
It was written by the great Hanbali scholar Imam Muwaffiq Al-Din Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (d. 620). He acquired so much knowledge and understanding of the Deen that he surpassed the companions of his study gatherings, showing an extraordinary ability. Thus, the knowledge of the Hanbali madhab and its principles fell upon his shoulders. He was one of the major Hanbali authorities and the author of the profound and voluminous book on Law, al-Mughni, which became popular amongst researchers from all juristic backgrounds. Ibn Taymiyyah said about him: ‘No one possessing more understanding of the Deen entered Shaam [
Lewisham & Kent Islamic Center,
Wednesday’s 7.30pm
Ustad Faraz Farhat [
- Zaad al Mustaqni'
Zaad al Mustaqni is an abridgement of the book Al-Muqni which was written by Ibn Qudamah for the intermediate level in studying fiqh. One of the later scholars of the madhab took Ibn Qudamah’s Al-Muqni and reduced it to the predominant position in the madhab, removed extraneous issues, and added some things that were necessary. His book is known as Zaad al Mustaqni it was greatly accepted, and some scholars said that whoever has memorized Al-Zaad is fit to be a judge. While the book is indeed short, it gives the basics for the Hanbali madhab, including some things not even found in books twice its length.
Zaad al Mustaqni was written by Imam Sharaf ud-Deen Abu an-Najaa al Hajjaawi (d. 968h), originally from Quds and then settled in Salihyah Damascus. He was distinguished figure amongst the latter Damascan Hanbali scholars, and the author of two important manuals that were to remain the basis for verdicts amongst the Hanbalis until today: Zaad al Mustaqni and al-Iqna’. Many famous commentaries, short and long have been written for this masterpiece; for further detailed review of this book, click on to
Al-Hamdulillah this book is actually being taught in two places in
Friday’s 7.30pm
Ustad Wasim Kempson [
Goodmayes, Essex IG3 8TD []
Friday’s 8pm
Ustad Abu Talha [
- Al-Wasatiyyah
Regarding Tawheed as-Asmaa’ was-Sifaat this is the first book a student of knowledge should study. This book explains the belief of Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah regarding the Names and Attributes of Allah (SWT). It was written when the belief of Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah was strange and the other false beliefs were common.
It was written by the great Sheikh ul-Islam Taqi ad-Din Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728). He came from a Hanbali family known for its piety and religious knowledge. Ibn Taymiyyah spent most of his life in
This book was written because some judges of Waasit complained to Ibn Taymiyyah about the people’s misguidance and innovations. For this reason the book is called Al-Aqeedah Al-Wasatiyyah. He was taken to court for writing these things. This book had many commentaries; the well known ones are by Ibn al-Uthaymeen and al-Harras – these are both available in English.
Lewisham & Kent Islamic Center,
Saturday’s 7.30pm
Ustad Abu Talha [
- At-Tahawiyyah
This is a book for the higher students of knowledge. Although it is a very small book, it is very comprehensive. It is an accepted text for all times which covers the belief of Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah.
It was written by Imam Abu Jafar At-Tahaawi (d.310), he was born in Taha, a town in
The greatest of the commentaries of this book was by the great scholar Imam Ibn Abu al-Izz al-Hanafi, this work is known as Sharh al-Aqeedah at-Tahawiyyah. The abridged version is available in English but the English is not that great. The full version is available on PDF.
Al-Ansar Islamic Education Centre,
Goodmayes, Essex IG3 8TD []
Saturday’s 8.00pm
Ustad Shaqur Rehman
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