Wednesday, 28 January 2009

A New Circle!

A new circle of knowledge will be starting in central London and it is totally free! It will be a class on Aqeedah’. I will give a very brief review on the subject topic, the book that will be studied and about its author Insah-Allah.

  • Thalaathatul-Usool

This is very concise book about Tawheed al-‘Ibaadah. So what is this term tawheed?

Literally tawheed means ‘unification’ [making something one] and it comes from the Arabic verb wahhadah which itself means to unite, unify or consolidate. When the term tawheed is used in reference to Allah (SWT): It is the belief that Allah (SWT) is One, without partner in His dominion – this is Tawheed ar-Ruboobeeyah. Allah (SWT) is One, without similitude in His Essence and Attributes – this is Tawheed al-Asmaa’ was-Sifaat. And that Allah (SWT) is One, without rival in His divinity and worship and this is known as Tawheed al-Ulooheeyah or Tawheed al-Ibaadah. So true tawheed is the belief in the Oneness of Allah (SWT), His Oneness in His Essence and Attributes and worshipping Him alone with no partner or associate. The science of tawheed has been traditionally divided in this way – the three overlap and are inseparable. The omission of any of the above mentioned aspects of tawheed is referred to as shirk; the association of partners with Allah (SWT).

As this book is about Tawheed al-Ulooheeyah or Tawheed al-Ibaadah – let us speak a little more on this. Allah (SWT) said: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except for My worship.” (51:56). Indeed Allah (SWT) did not create us in vain but created us for a noble purpose and a noble aim, which is to worship Him. To fulfil this worship Allah (SWT) has sent Prophets, Messengers and Books over and over again, Allah (SWT) said: “Verily, We have sent to every nation a messenger [saying], ‘Worship Allah and avoid false gods.” (16:36). Many times we find in the Qur’an that Allah (SWT) has told us to worship Him and not commit shirk.

Tawheed al-Ulooheeyah necessitates the denial of all forms worship to other than Allah (SWT). All forms of worship must be directed to only to Allah (SWT) because He alone deserves worship. Worship [ibaadah] is a word which covers all words and actions, inward and outward, that Allah (SWT) loves and is pleased with.

The book Thalaathatul-Usool deals with this aspect of tawheed. It was written by Sheikh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhaab [d.1207 AH]. This is the first book a student of knowledge would study in this field of tawheed – then followed by al-Qawaaid al-Arb’ah, then Kashf ush-Shubuhaat and finally Kitaab ut-Tawheed as mentioned by Sheikh Bakr Abu Zayd (rh). All these books were written by Sheikh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhaab and they all concentrate on Tawheed al-Ulooheeyah.

  • Sheikh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhaab

The Sheikh was born in the town of ‘Unayzah in the year 1115 AH in a household known for knowledge, nobility and attachment to the religion. He himself memorized the Qur’an before reaching the age of ten and studied fiqh of which he learnt a great deal. He sought knowledge day and night and he used to memorize the books of the various branches of Islamic knowledge. He was granted deep understanding and a very high degree of intelligence by Allah (SWT) and he devoted his time to research, study and writing. He travelled through out Najd and to Makkah and studied the books of knowledge with the scholars. Then he travelled to Medina and studied under the scholars there.

He was a leading Hanbali jurist and a theologian of Najd; more notably remembered as the pioneer of the revivalist movement which began in the Arabian Peninsula, and continued to influence various Islamic movements until today.

Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab was living in a situation much like the Prophet (pbuh) himself, wherein most of the people were dedicated to acts of ignorance and idolatry and only a small number of people were still dedicated to the true religion of their ancestor Abraham. Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab wanted to take the people back to the knowledge of Allah and to keep them from the greatest thing that Allah had prohibited, shirk. Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab could not remain quiet in such a setting. His knowledge and his faith drove him to act. It drove him to try to save those poor people who were following the devil and their desires.

He died in the year 1206 AH. May Allah (SWT) have mercy on him.This is a very brief biography of the Sheikh, however Sheikh Jamaal al-Zarabozo has witter a three hundred and eighty-eight page biography on the Sheikh, which is available in English; “The Life, Teachings and Influence of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab” published by ‘The Ministry of Islamic Affairs.’

The Sheikh wrote Thalaathatul-Usool in order to convey to every Muslim that which is obligatory upon him to know – in fact the ‘three principles’ [Thalaathatul-Usool] are based on the three questions that will be asked in our graves.

  • Explanations of this Book

Many explanations of this precious book has been done, I will list the ones that’s available in the English Language; Title, Author and Publication:

Explanation of the Three Fundimental Principles by Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen and published by Al-Hidaayah.

Notes to the Three Tenets by Abdur-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Qasim and published by Dar al-Khair

A Gift for the Intellects in explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles of Islam by Ubaid ibn Abdullah al-Jaabiree and published by Salafi Publication

Also Sheikh Saalih al-Fawzaan has done an explanation which is out in English also, but I do not have the title for it, I have been told that his explanation of it is very good.

  • Location and Venue

MBS, Boscobel Street, London NW8 [Edgware Road Station]
Friday’s 6pm
Ustad Abdul-Aleem Alomgir Ali [Egypt]

Hope this helps.


Anonymous said...

Salam alikum akhi,

Is this class still on?

Please can you let me know through my email. Jazaka'allah khier.

Anonymous said...

The class is confirmed. The first one was last week.