Saturday, 24 October 2009

Characteristic of a Seeker!

Narrated by Ibn Abee Haatim ar-Raazee:

I entered upon the students of hadith and I passed by the circle of Qaasim al-Joo’ee. I found a group sitting around him and he was speaking. Their appearence amazed me and I herad him saying:

“Seize the benefit of five things from the people of your time: When you are present you are not known; When you are absent you are not missed; When you are seen your advice is not saught; When you say something your saying is not accepted and When you have some knowledge you are not given anything for it. I also advised you with five things: When you are treated unjustly then do not behave unjustly; When you are praised then do not become happy; When you are criticized do not be upset; When your are not believed do not become angry; And if people act deceitfully towards you do not act deceitfully towards them.”

Ibn Abee Haatim said: “So I took that as my benefit from Damascus.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi yaa Abaa Siyaam.

Excellent post!

Short & Sweet.

Keep it up inshaa'Allaah.

Akhooka Aboo Haneefah